Below is a guide to the species most commonly present in our nursery. From season to season and project to project, this list can grow and change. With appropriate lead time, we are able to custom grow other species including range grasses, wildflowers, forbs, and native wetland species. Please contact us with questions regarding the plant list.
Emergent Plant Species
Emergent plants root in the water or saturated soil and will sprout and flower above the waters surface. They can commonly be found along shorelines of ponds, creeks, swamps, lakes and wetlands. The emergent plants that we offer have been grown from seed collected in Alberta. Generally available in 150 and 250 cc/ml plugs, 4 inch (750ml) pots, or #1 (1 Gallon) pots. Please inquire for availability in other sizes.
Glyceria Grandis; Tall Manna Grass
Schoenoplectus Microcarpus; Small Fruited Bulrush
Schoenoplectus Maritimus; Prairie Bulrush
Typha Latifolia; Common Cattail
Carex Utriculata: Beaked Sedge
Carex Atherodes: Awned Sedge
Carex Bebbi: Bebb’s Sedge
Aquatic Plant Species
Aquatic plants grow submerged in slow moving bodies of water such as lakes, ponds and swamps. Some of the species we offer root in mud below the surface while others are free floating. The aquatic plants we offer have all been harvested across Alberta. They are available in plugs or as free floating bunches.
Myriophyllum Sibericum; Northern Water Milfoil
Potamogeton Richardsonii; Richardson Pond Weed
Sagitarria Cunneatta: Arum Leaf Arrowhead
Riparian Plant Species:
Salix Exigua; Sandbar Willow
Salix Lutea; Yellow Willow
Salix Discolor; Pussy Willow
Salix Bebbianna: Bebb’s Willow
Red-Osier Dogwood
Grasses and Forbs:
Fowl Blue Grass
Tufted Hairgrass
Northern Wheat Grass
Inland Saltgrass
Blue Gramma Grass
Smooth Aster
Canada Anemone
Prairie Sage
Black Eyed Susan
Canada Goldenrod